To register your device, please enter the serial number without the 'R' and your account will accept the serial. The serial number is not to be confused with the product bundle code which is in the format:Ī small number of Scarlett 2nd Generation and RedNet devices have a letter 'R' placed in the middle of the serial number. RedNet product serial numbers will start with the letters: R, S, T, U, V, W, or X.Red interface serial numbers will start with the letters: V, W, or X.Saffire serial numbers will start with the letters: S, P or L.Clarett USB serial numbers will start with the letter: X.Clarett Thunderbolt serial numbers will start with the letter: U.Scarlett 3rd gen serial numbers start with the letters: D, F, P or Y.The letters are generally an acronym for the artwork's title and the type of art. Michael Godard serial numbers are comprised of a prefix of letters followed by numbers. Serial numbers play a crucial role in demonstrating provenance, authenticity and ownership. It will then ask you for a serial the first time you run it (or potentially every time, so make sure you keep the serial handy). A serial number is unique to each Michael Godard artwork. Scarlett 2nd Generation serial numbers will start with the letters: V or W You need to download it first, via torrent or something.Scarlett 1st Generation serial numbers will start with the letters: S, T, or U.If you have a 'Studio' pack, please ensure you select your product's Studio Pack version when registering. This can be found on the box and on the underside of the device itself. To register your Focusrite product, you will be asked to enter the product's serial number.