If you like Civ games, you will like Civ 6 (once its fixed), if you don't like Civ games, this is not exactly the time to get in to. If you are unsure about buying this game, I would say wait a few weeks until these bugs are worked out. I rank this an 8/10 mostly because I know these things can be easily fixed and once they are it will be a lot more fun, all the building blocks for a good game are on the table they just simply need to be built.

I think there is a lot of room for this game to continue to grow, but first and foremost the bugs needs to be fixed (like the extremely unstable AI and declaring war on yourself errors which has broken every game of my thus far). While it is not a huge departure form the Civ games of old, there is a slight learning curve to it. This game has a lot going for it, however, as with many new games, it has a number of errors that need to be addressed that are making it very This game has a lot going for it, however, as with many new games, it has a number of errors that need to be addressed that are making it very hard to play.